James Alder Fine Art
22-24 Hallgate
NE46 1XD


Tel: 01434 609559

Opening hours:
Mon-Sat: 10am-5pm

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John Falconar Slater (1857-1937)
Glen River, Highlands

Medium: Oil on board
Size without frame: 36.0" x 26.0"
Size including frame: 41.0" x 31.0"

A large, colourful and fabulous impressionistic Slater oil of a river tumbling down a wooded Scottish glen, mist in the mountains beyond. The paint is thick, the range of colours employed wide, and we imagine Slater was in fine spirits when he painted this. Signed lower left.

Contact the gallery for more info or if you have a similar painting to sell

John.Falconar.Slater.oil.painting.for.sale -impressionistic Highland Glen river John.Falconar.Slater.oil.painting.Highland Glen river, framed John.Falconar.Slater.river.Highland Glen river John.Falconar.slater.broad palette John.Falconar.Slater.signature, J_F_Slater
John.Falconar.Slater.oil.painting.for.sale -impressionistic Highland Glen river

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